Vikings Care Initiatives
On the First Tuesday of the Month, Jefferson College Community Members are asked to wear their
Vikings Care shirt to show they support student wellness.
 | Engage* is a violence prevention training designed to encourage students to contribute to a culture of care and create a safer campus community. Click here to access the training. |
 | Ask Listen Refer* is an online suicide prevention training with a goal to educate students, faculty and staff on how to ASK if someone is thinking about suicide, LISTEN to their response and REFER them to a professional. Click here to access Ask Listen Refer! |
 | ASPEN* is a virtual platform developed to identify student needs and connect them to the right resources at the right time. Click here to access the ASPEN's Self-Screening tool. Click here to access ASPEN's Resource Directory. |
 | MACRO, the Missouri Alliance of Collegiate Recovery Organizations, Recovery Ally Training*, was designed to help faculty, staff, and students support individuals in recovery from substance use disorders. Click here to learn more about MACRO! |
 | The Tobacco/Nicotine and Marijuana/Cannabis Cessation Program provides a brief assessment for students wanting to quit, information about the benefits of quitting, and both campus and general resources for making a change. Click here to learn more about this cessation program. |
 | Jefferson College adopted the Sexual & Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response Course (SPARC) to provide a customized prevention and education program related to the topics of Sexual Harassment, including Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking. Currently this course is in all COL courses and linked to the Title IX webpage. For more information, please visit our Title IX webpage at, or contact Kristine Bogue, Deputy Title IX Coordinator at, 636-481-3258, 440-462-5959 text, or Student Center 209. |
*Jefferson College has partnered with Partners In Prevention (PIP) for many years to bring their initiatives to Jefferson College. Jefferson College became a full PIP member in 2019. PIP is Missouri's higher education substance misuse consortium dedicated to creating healthy and safe college campuses. The coalition is comprised of 24 public and private college and university campuses across the state. PIP focuses on preventing high-risk and underage drinking among Missouri's college students and addressing other problematic health behaviors such as high risk driving behaviors and problem gambling. In addition, PIP also provides support and services to campuses across the state to prevent suicide on campus and support positive mental health among college students.