For more than 30 years, the Jefferson College Foundation has been serving students at Jefferson College through scholarships, grants, emergency assistance, teaching innovations, updated technology, comprehensive programs, and facility improvements. With the support of alumni, community, and business leaders, the Jefferson College Foundation is positively impacting student lives and preserving the high-quality education students receive at Jefferson College.
The Jefferson College Foundation is able to provide emergency scholarships, grants, and bookstore assistance grants to students who need a little extra help. Students who are suddenly unable to attend classes due to childcare issues, or who have lost hours at work and now cannot afford to pay a bill, can receive assistance from the Foundation.
The Jefferson College Foundation is proud to have earned the GuideStar Gold Transparency seal that demonstrates our commitment to non-profit transparency.

Upcoming Event

2023-24 Annual Report to the Community
This is a tremendous accomplishment and demonstration of the confidence you have in the College’s mission to “…empower individuals to achieve their goals.” Your gifts provided direct student assistance, scholarships, classroom supplies and support, and funding for student trips and other enhanced learning opportunities.
View the annual report below.

(636) 481-3116 OR (636) 797-3000, ext. 3116
Administration Building