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Course Detail

Image Intensification & QA/QC

Time and Location


Term: Spring 2025
Start Date: JAN 13, 2025
End Date: MAR 10, 2025
Meeting Days: ARR
Meeting Times: ARR


Campus: Hillsboro
Building: CTE

Registration Information

Credit Hours: 3
Subject Code: RAD
Course Number: 176
Section Number: 01
CRN: 38363
Tier: 0
Instruction TypeHybrid Lecture

Enrollment Numbers

Remaining Seats: 8
Filled Seats: 22
Maximum Seats: 30
Comments: *Lab fee $125
Course Description: Prerequisites: Acceptance to the Radiologic Technology Program and reading proficiency. Image Intensification & QA/QC course provides the student with the knowledge of x-ray equipment routinely utilized to produce diagnostic images as well as the quality control measures pertaining to them. An overview of various recording media and image intensification units used in radiology will be discussed. This course also provides the student with the principles of a Quality Management program including theory, tools, procedures, digital imaging equipment, and assessment of images. (S)

Faculty Information

Name: Stacy Wilfong
Title: Assistant Professor / Director of Radiologic Technology Program
Classification: fullTime
Credentials: Master of Arts in Teaching: Univ Of Saint Mary,Bachelor of Science Education: Univ Of Arkansas-Fayetteville
Office: null null
Phone Extension: 3524
Bio: Stacy currently serves as the Interim Program Director of Radiologic Technology. She holds her Master`s of Arts in Teaching from the University of Saint Mary. In 2000, she graduated with her Bachelor`s of Science in Education from the University of Arkansas and obtained her Associate of Science in Radiologic Technology in 2003. She has worked in the field of radiology for many years but has spent the majority of her career in education. She has also served as faculty, clinical coordinator, and program director for other radiology programs. Stacy serves on the Board of Directors for the North St. Francois County School District and is the ECE co-chair for the Missouri Society of Radiologic Technologists. She is a member of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists, the Association of Collegiate Educators in Radiologic Technology, and the National Network of Health Career Programs in Two-Year Colleges (NN2).