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Marketing & Public Relations Department

Institutional Code of Ethics

Jefferson College's Public Relations and Marketing team works closely with administrators, faculty, and staff to ensure that the information released to the public is accurate and informative. All institutional advertising is coordinated through the Public Relations and Marketing Department. This includes all forms of paid and free advertising such as print (newspaper, posters/flyers, brochures, newsletters, catalogs), broadcast (radio and television), web, social media, direct mail, and billboards. The department has the responsibility to ensure that consistent design and copy standards are met.

Administrative Policy VIII-005 ensures that all marketing and advertising representing Jefferson College conveys a consistently professional image and message. As such, clearly defined guidelines have been established for efficiency, accuracy, accountability, and compliance with statutes and college policies and procedures.

Marketing and promotional materials shall be clear, accurate, and current, and should emphasize the educational programs and services available. Materials shall not, by commission or omission, provide false, incomplete, or misleading information. All Jefferson College marketing and advertising activities:

  • Strive to be consistent, accurate, and truthful in reflecting the programs and offerings of the institution;
  • Represent the institution in a clear way in marketing/advertising and other forms of communication;
  • Avoid using coercion;
  • Value individual differences and avoid stereotyping customers or depicting demographic groups (e.g., gender, race, sexual orientation) in a negative or dehumanizing way;
  • Strive to communicate clearly with all constituencies and accept constructive criticism from customers and other stakeholders; and
  • Provide enough pertinent information that students unfamiliar with practices in higher education may make informed academic judgments

Visual Style Guide

Style Guide CoverCollege-wide use of the graphic identity system is key to its effectiveness in communicating our distinctive brand. Used consistently and correctly over time, having a uniform graphic style helps to build a strong, coherent visual brand identity for the entire College and all its divisions.

Download the following:

Business Cards

Social Media

Want to create a social media account for a club or department on campus? Read the guidelines below and complete an application!

Social Media Guidelines

Social Media Application