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Honors Scholarship Application

Honors Scholarship Application

The Elizabeth Hoyt Clark Honors Program Scholarship is $500 per semester.  The recipient of this award will be an Honors student working towards an Honors Diploma (12 or more hours of Honors courses). The student must have at least a 3.3 grade point average. The Elizabeth Hoyt Clark Honors Program Scholarship Selection Committee will determine the recipient of this scholarship. Please contact Susan Todd, Honors Program Coordinator, at with questions. 

All applications must be submitted by October 15 for the Fall scholarship and February 15 for the Spring Scholarship. 

Fill out the form and upload a word processed document that

  • includes a statement of your educational goals/career plans
  • explain why you are pursuing an Honors Diploma and
  • makes a case for your being chosen as a scholarship recipient.  (Remember, everyone in the program has good grades, so explain why you should be chosen on some other basis than grades.)

Elizabeth Hoyt Clark
Honors Program Scholarship Application


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